Latest Episodes

Working across age ranges in a small bilingual school with Breeah Carey
In this episode, we talk with Breeah Carey, an SLP truly loving her work as a contract school based therapist in a small bilingual...

Learnings and Insight from Transitioned School Based SLP with Renee Brown, The Busy Speech Mom
In this episode, you’ll hear Renee Brown talking with Katie Widestrom-Landgraf about how she took up an opportunity to switch from being a medical...

Being a School and Private Practice SLP
Our guest for this episode, Noelle Scolieri, works in both private practice and schools. Noelle talks about how she learned to adapt to the...

SLP Time Savers and Work in Special Ed
Today’s guest, Amy Basso, works in a school based SLP role, with a difference. Listen to her talk about working in special education in...

Working with kids across elementary school ages and SLP needs
In this episode, Stacey Richey, SLP, talks about her work with kids from preschool right through to sixth grade with varying needs and disabilities....

Meet an SLP who has a passion for helping little ones from the get-go!
Carol Terpstra, is an SLP who knows how to transition careers! In this episode, you’ll hear how she’s gone from an undergrad economics degree,...