Working with kids across elementary school ages and SLP needs

Episode 118 November 22, 2022 00:31:55
Working with kids across elementary school ages and SLP needs
The Missing Link for SLPs
Working with kids across elementary school ages and SLP needs

Nov 22 2022 | 00:31:55


Show Notes

In this episode, Stacey Richey, SLP, talks about her work with kids from preschool right through to sixth grade with varying needs and disabilities. Listen to Stacy talk about the challenges of having to know a little bit of everything as an SLP, and how she manages scheduling across different groups in a moderately sized elementary school. She also talks about the importance of having fun, and has some great suggestions for keeping track of the special moments that happen as a school-based SLP!

Visit for this episode's show notes, a full audio transcript and more great resources at the intersection of grad school and a successful SLP career.
Not a substitute for a formal SLP education or medical advice for patients/caregivers.
Fresh SLP is in no way affiliated with or representing any university.

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Episode Transcript

The Missing Link for SLPs Podcast Full Transcript Mattie Murrey-Tegels 00:05 Welcome to this episode of the Missing Link for Fresh SLPs. This is another great episode in the series of a School-Based SLP, and we're going to be talking with somebody who is working and thriving in one of Utah's largest school systems. But before we jump into that, I just want to touch base on why we're even doing this series. A lot of people have asked, “What is the idea behind Fresh SLP?” And I used to say, it's for new and transitioning SLPs, right? Not a lot of people really connect with that new piece anymore. “Well, I'm six months out. I'm no longer new. “Well, I'm six years out. I'm no longer new”. Fresh SLP, the Missing Link for SLPs, is all about making connections and staying fresh. So, that means you're connecting, and listening to podcasts of SLPs who are way outside of anything you've ever thought of doing, and you've got these great fresh new ideas. It also means connecting with SLPs who are doing just what you're doing, and you so vibe with them, and you resonate and you're like, “Oh, this is what I do, and why I'm doing it”. So, that is why we have these stories on the Missing Link for SLPs podcast. This whole series is to introduce you to what school-based SLPs do, and really think outside the box on this because our guests, they live, work, dwell, create outside the box. So, with that being said, I'm glad you're here. Tonight's episode is with Stacey Richey. This is episode, I think, 118, and let me introduce you to Stacey. She has been an SLP in Utah's public schools for the past 10 and a half years. Her caseload size has ranged from 45 to 92 students in preschool to sixth grades. So, she knows how hard it can be to see and plan for all of them. She has worked with two different districts in five different schools. And when she's not doing five minute articulation therapy, which is on her TPT site, she loves using themes and literacy. She has worked with special education, preschool units, small group kindergarten classes, and units with kiddos with autism. She loves treating articulation, phonological disorders and early language skills. When she's not working, she loves baking, doing jigsaw puzzles and watching movies. Playing sports is also a great fun of hers. She and her husband have been married for almost 12 years and have a five year old little girl. Stacey created a store on Teachers Pay Teachers two years ago so she can help SLPs, like you listeners, be more confident and learn to enjoy group therapy. So, a big welcome to Stacey Richey. Stacey Richey 02:53 Welcome, Stacey Richey, to A Day in the Life of a School-Based SLP podcast series. We are so glad you're here! Stacey Richey 03:03 I'm so excited to be here. Thanks for inviting me. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 03:08 Yes, yes. My name is Katie Widestrom-Landgraf. I'm also a school-based SLP. And so, I'm really looking forward to hearing about your experiences, and your journey, and maybe some of the things that delight you and some of the things that you find a little challenging. So, let's get right down to it. Okay? Stacey Richey 03:27 Sounds great. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 03:28 All right. So, Stacey, I'd like to start by having you tell us a little bit about yourself and specifically about your journey that led you to becoming a school-based SLP. Stacey Richey 03:42 That's a really good question. I grew up with a little brother who actually needed speech therapy. And so, my mom watched him growing up, going through therapy, and how much of a difference they made in his life and being able to read. And she always told me, “Oh, you'll be a great speech therapist”, and all I knew was it was boring. I sat there while my brother went to a back room and worked on speech. Like, I had no idea what it was. And so I actually started on the path to be a math teacher, and then switched and decided to go into exercise science for physical therapy, and then came to the light and found speech therapy! I’m glad I did! Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 04:24 Wow! That's wonderful. So, how did you end up specifically in a school setting? Stacey Richey 04:29 Honestly, I love working with kids. I've always wanted to help people. Again, like with being a math teacher or a physical therapist, just – I wanted to help people, but I'm not big on blood and bodily fluids. And so, I kind of always knew going into this field that I'd want to be working with kids. And my externship, and especially the hospital, definitely showed that that was the right decision for me! Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 04:54 So, you knew out of the gate. You're like, I am heading to the school setting and working with kids. Stacey Richey 05:00 Yes, yes. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 05:02 Okay. So, could you tell us a little bit more about your specific setting right now? Kind of walk us through a day in your life, if you will? Stacey Richey 05:14 Perfect. Yeah, I'd be happy to. Right now, my setting – I work part time, but I have a full time CF at my school, and we have a preschool special ed unit. So, that's moderate to severe disabilities, and then the gen ed population, and then we actually just got two new autistic units of first through third grade, and a fourth through sixth grade unit. So, they've definitely kept me on my toes this year, but it's been fun. I love working with all these different populations. And I had a behavior unit last year that isn't there this year. So, I just – it's kind of fun to see and have all these different experiences with all these different kids. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 05:56 So, Stacey, can you talk to us a little bit more about what you mean by a unit when you're talking about different units? What does that mean? Are those classrooms? Are those populations of students? Could you talk more about what that means a little bit? Stacey Richey 06:09 Sure. Yeah. So, a unit is basically just a class that they have to qualify for. We have different levels of disability in our district, and one of them is more the regular gen ed lots of tuition students, and a handful of like mild speech disorders kind of population. And then we have the more severe unit, who have a lot more higher needs, and a lot more – need a lot more one-on-one therapy. And like the autistic units, they – most of them are actually eligible for classification under autism. And so, they are put in these classrooms because they are specialized to help with those sensory needs, and to help with different accommodations, and things like that that are more typical for that autistic population. Stacey Richey 06:57 Okay. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 07:00 So, Stacey, do you work in a larger school? Smaller school? Do you travel to different schools? Can you talk a little bit about that? Stacey Richey 07:07 Yeah, I – actually, I have been really lucky the last several years. I've worked just at one school, which doesn't always happen. But they're – working in Utah, we have so many kids who have speech therapy, that it's pretty common for speech therapists, especially if they're full time, to just be at one school. So, my very first school, I had 92 kids on my caseload. That was my CF year – Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 07:32 Wow! Stacey Richey 07:07 – which, oh my gosh, it was awful! But it got better! It got so much after that year. I did have a technician that year that helped me, a speech person who graduated with a bachelor's degree in speech therapy. So, she helped me all the time. And right now, my school has about 550-600 kids. So, not huge, but not tiny either. But there are schools next to me that have 1200 students. So, I'm really lucky that I'm at a moderately sized school, which is why they tend to just put the units at my school because they have empty classrooms. So, I get to have the fun experience with all of them. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 08:13 Wow. So, when you talked about having an assistant, I think you use the word technician, and here in Minnesota, I think we call those folk speech language pathology assistants. And did you find that that was helpful that very first year just kind of having a second set of hands to write [classes 08:34], and help coordinate getting kids, with a caseload of 92? Stacey Richey 08:39 Yes, it was so helpful that first year. Especially because she had been there the last couple of years before, so she knew all the kids. So, she knew kind of what worked with them. So, she had some experience. She knew where all the teachers were. She knew – I mean, she had a relationship with the teachers. And she did the scheduling for me, which was fantastic! I didn't even have to do it. So, yes. It was a big help. And yes, they're basically like the SLPAs that you were talking about. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 09:09 Okay. So, can you talk us through a typical day? When you go into work, kind of how does your day start? How does the day progress? Kind of help us see a day in your life? Stacey Richey 09:22 Sure. So, right now I get to work at about 8:30. My contract hours are 8:30 to 4:00. And if I don't have an IEP scheduled in the morning, what I usually do is I spend the time pulling out the data sheets for the kids that day, just to kind of wrap my head around who I'm going to see today, or at least for the first half of the day. And then sometimes around the middle of the day, like lunchtime, that's when I pull out the afternoon kids, just to kind of segment my day so that I'm not thinking too far ahead. Because then I'm not focusing on the kids that I'm working with now, and sometimes that gets kind of distracting. So, I get to work. I do that. And then if I have time, I'll maybe plan a little bit more. Kind of get an idea in my head of what I'm going to do. Or if I need to try and rearrange my schedule a little bit to try and get like a student tested in there somewhere. And the kids arrive at 9:15. So, I have about 45 minutes first thing in the morning. Sometimes I collaborate with teachers, if I have some time. So, the students arrive at 9:15, and then I start working with my younger autistic class. My CF and I go in together, and we pull the kids. I want to do push-in therapy, but right now, just with scheduling, and just how the kids are, we have to pull them out into my room. So, we see them in groups of three, with the two of us, which is pretty manageable. And we do that through the morning, and we see all those kids through the morning. And then we have lunch, which is awesome! Always schedule a lunch break. That is my – one of my biggest tips. And take it! Don't just schedule it – Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 10:57 That’s huge. Stacey Richey 10:57 – work through it. No, that doesn't count! Take some time to reset that brain. Because, at least for me, that's when I burn out the most is when I've caught myself not taking my break during the day, Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 11:09 You bring up a really interesting subject, I think, and that's the subject of burnout. I do think that especially when you have a higher caseload, sometimes there is a tendency to schedule students instead of taking breaks, but there's also a concern with that. Can you talk about the importance of holding time for yourself during the day? And what do you do when you start to feel a little overwhelmed? Or how do you recharge? Those kinds of things. Stacey Richey 11:45 Yeah. It has taken me a few years to figure out some of these tricks. I've been in the schools for about 10 and a half, almost 11 years, and one of the things that somebody told me was to take that lunch break. And it's – especially if you stay in your room all day, leave your room. Walk around the school. Go talk to a teacher. Just leave your room for a little bit. You can go on a walk outside. You can listen to something. Just try and not do anything for like 15 minutes. For me, sometimes I'll be like, “Oh, I'm just going to scroll on Instagram”. But then I'm scrolling through speech content. And it's like, no, no, I need a total break from speech content! Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 12:24 Right. Stacey Richey 12:24 So, yeah. So, sometimes I'll eat lunch in the faculty room. Sometimes it's great for collaborating, and then they feel like they can come to you. But sometimes I just need quiet, so I will literally just lock myself in my room. Like turn off the lights and just kind of veg, watch a show on Netflix for 10 to 15 minutes, just to kind of recharge and just kind of take some time for me. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 12:46 It's interesting you say that. I actually have a really similar plan for my lunchtime, where I will intentionally not be on my computer because it's too tempting to – Stacey Richey 12:59 Mhm. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 12:46 – I'm just going to respond to this email, quick. Or I'm just going to log this note while I eat an apple. And so, I will shut the laptop. Pick up my phone, or pick up a book, something that is like dedicated to engaging me, or just something I want to do for fun. And I think that is the really important added component, because the working lunch is not a break. Stacey Richey 13:25 No, it's not. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 13:27 Yeah, yeah. Stacey Richey 13:25 Definitely. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 13:27 Oh, my gosh. That's a great point, Stacey. Okay, so let's talk a little bit about some of your favorite aspects of your job. What do you like best? What delights you? Stacey Richey 13:43 Oh, the kids! Easy as Lance, it is the kids. And there are so many joys from this job. I mean, we talk about the pains, the challenges, the paperwork, the scheduling, all that stuff. But these kids make it so worth it to me. I mean, helping these kids communicate, helping them – watching their self-confidence grow. Like I had a student who was really shy, had a lot of sound errors in about second grade, and by sixth grade she was just finishing up her R and she was auditioning for a place to be like the lead in a play! It was awesome to watch just that self confidence, that boost. And it’s just – it’s awesome. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 14:24 Amazing. Yeah. Now you did mention challenges. There are some, I would imagine. What is one that comes to mind that you just kind of maybe would like to mention? Stacey Richey 14:38 Well, yeah, there are always several challenges, especially the more you think about it, and just being okay with things not being perfect. A lot of us, I feel like, are kind of type A, and just being like, “You know what, this is as good as it's going to get today”, and just being okay with it. But going along with that, just – I feel like I don't love having to know a little bit of everything, but not being really good at any one thing. I have to know about autism. I have to know about phonological disorders, and all the different processes, and how to work on them, and artic, and just – it's a lot. And then I get a new set of all of these disorders that I've never even heard of before that come up, and it's just like, oh, well, I guess I get to do some more research, because I don't know how to work with you. So, that's probably one of my biggest challenges is not really being able to specialize into anything that I would like to. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 15:35 Yeah, for sure. So, I have a couple of other questions for you. When I think about the schools, and I think about how you talked about your caseload numbers kind of swinging wildly, I think specifically about workload. And I'm wondering about how you personally manage workload, and what are some things that have maybe helped you with the management of workload? Stacey Richey 16:05 That’s a really good question. So, my District does a three-to-one model, where we see kids for therapy for three weeks, and then we have a week of – that we call like the indirect week or the collaboration week, and that week is dedicated specifically to holding IEP meetings, collaborating with teachers, catching up on paperwork, getting those referrals done and tested, things like that – catching up with parents. And so, I feel like, for me, if I can hold off on that paperwork, I literally save it for that week. Because it's like, you know what, it'll still be there. I still have time to get it done. I'm going to focus solely on my kids for three weeks, and then I can lock my door and just work on my paperwork for a week. And if you think about it, sometimes it was like, oh, do these kids still make progress, some of these kids need that consistency. And, yes, some of them do. Some of them do need all four weeks. But ASHA has actually done some research and shown that even with that break kids even made more gains because they had that week off from speech. And I – it's amazing. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 17:10 And I think you make a really good point, that a week off from direct services with the SLP is not a week off for the SLP. There's so many things that you're doing in that one week. And I think being able to spend time with teachers in the classroom setting, and being able to make those contacts with parents, and having some time built in to do that would be really amazing. We also have a three-one model where I work, and one of the things that sometimes happens is that the kids that were missed during the three, spillover into the one! So, I do like that idea of having that flexibility though. Stacey Richey 17:52 Mhm. And it's built in time for those makeup sessions. So, if you're ever sick, you literally have a day you can make it up.. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 17:59 Right, right. Yes. So, when you think about scheduling – you talked a little bit about scheduling in your first year. Do you have any specific tips, or tricks, or advice with regard to scheduling? That is something that's been coming up in our conversations, and I'm just wondering what your experiences and thoughts are with scheduling? Stacey Richey 18:23 Oh, scheduling is a doozy! Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 18:25 I know! Stacey Richey 18:27 It constantly changes! I have my schedule down, and I have it memorized for about three weeks, and then it changes again. So, just know it's going to change. Don't get too excited, because it probably won't work for longer than a week. But for me, my biggest thing is I schedule my units first. So, I scheduled those – that preschool class, and those autistic classes first. And I do big bolts of time, big bunches of time. So, my preschool kids are all day Tuesdays and Fridays – except for maybe like a half an hour where I go see some of my artic kids or gen ed kids. But it's literally all day preschool push in. I'm in there doing group lessons, individuals, just helping out, but just always there. And then this year with my autistic classes, I've got – I talked about kind of my morning schedule. So, I see the younger kids in the morning, and then in the afternoon I see the older kids, the fourth through sixth grade. And then I kind of end the day with some of those five minute kids. So, I schedule those unit kids in blocks, just because they always take longer than they're supposed to, just – but I want to be able to be flexible because sometimes the kid’s upset, and so you're like, oh, well, maybe I'll just go grab this other kid. And so, that just kind of helps me be flexible, and being able to still work with those kids as they need it, and -. So, that was my first tip. I fit in the units first and I do big blocks of time. My second step that I do, is I look at the kids that are only there for half a day. So, if you have a half day kindergarten, they go next because they're really tricky to schedule. But if you have all day kindergarten, you don't have to worry about that one quite so much. So then I look at the other – I look at the other related servers. So, occupational therapy, they're only there on Wednesdays, and adaptive PE is only there on Thursdays. So, I try to not schedule those kids on those days so that I have one less thing to worry about if they change their schedule on me. And then I kind of just squeeze in all the rest of the kids. I ask the teachers, “Hey, what are some great times and days to work with these kids”? I try to do the best that I can. And if I just can't find a spot for them, I literally walk my schedule up to my teacher and say, “Hey, is there any spot in here that I can fit them? These kids, like I cannot move these kids. Is there somewhere we can try and work this out and get it figured out?” And, usually, the teachers are like, “Oh my gosh. Like, no wonder why you have such a hard time getting the time that I prefer”, because there's so many other kids that I'm also trying to fit in. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 21:07 Yeah. I think that is something that is a shared experience. It's the worst game of Tetris ever, I think! I think speech language pathologists building their schedules in the schools is really – it's something. I've been doing this for over 20 years, I still do my schedule in pencil. Stacey Richey 21:30 Mhm. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 21:30 And I have the rectangle, like a chunky block, eraser ready to go so that I could do that flip flopping at any moment! So, I think that helps. I think that helps people kind of have some insight into how everything works. I did want to clarify. So, what is the age range? You had mentioned sixth graders, and then you mentioned kindergarteners? Are you seeing K through six? Stacey Richey 22:00 Yes. My school has the preschool unit, and then I see K through sixth grade. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 22:04 Okay. So, that’s – I mean, that's a pretty expansive group of kiddos. And so, are you finding that you like seeing that much of an age range? Do you wish you could narrow the focus a bit more? Do you wish it was a wider range? What are your thoughts about sort of that range that you're currently working with? Stacey Richey 22:22 Well, personally, kids over the age of 12 scare me! So, if I got put in a middle school or high school setting, I would just panic all day long! So, I am okay with preschool through sixth grade. My favorite ages, though, are preschool through second grade. That's probably where my heart is. The early language skills, and they make the most progress, and they love speech, and all that, and –. I mean, I do love seeing my older kids, especially when I've had them for years, like if I've had them since first grade, and now they're in sixth grade, and they're getting out before they go into junior high. Like being able to watch them progress over the years is awesome. And, I mean, it just – it does – it’s different as they get older, obviously, the different challenges and things, but I do kind of like that range. It breaks up the day a little bit more, but that is one of the other reasons why I chunk my kids. Where I don't want to see preschoolers and then have to go see a sixth grader, because then I'm like, well, let's do this, and my sixth graders look at me like I'm crazy because I have just worked with preschool, and that's the exact same level I had to use with them, so. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 23:30 Mhm. So, when you think about who may be listening to our podcast, we have a lot of individuals who are getting ready to enter the profession. We may also have some speech language pathologists who are thinking about career changes. If you had one piece of advice for people looking at working in the schools, what would you most want them to know? Stacey Richey 23:55 Oh, that’s a really good question. So, I've actually supervised some grad students, and I've had a handful of clinical fellows. And one of the things I tell them just starting out, is pick one thing a year to focus on. So, your first year, you're going to try and focus on understanding the caseload and paperwork, right? You're going to try and get that paperwork down. The second year, maybe you'll choose to work on planning therapy better, or trying to contact parents a little bit more, or trying to get your schedule more under control, things like that. And just by focusing on that one thing, it doesn't seem quite so overwhelming. It's “I am focused on this and my therapy will get better as I go on. It's not great right now, but I really need to get this figured out”. And that's not to say like totally forget doing good therapy, but you can't do everything at once. It's way too much, and that would also lead to burnout, and impostor syndrome, and just feeling like you can't do it. So, just pick one thing to work on. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 24:57 I think that's great advice, not just for folks considering a transition, but for all of us who have maybe even been doing this for a while! I feel like you're talking to me, Stacey. Thank you. I do agree that having a feeling of manageability is incredibly important. And when you spoke to that idea of being okay with everything not being perfect, and choosing one thing, a couple of things at a time that you want to focus on, versus trying to get all of the things just right, right away. I think that's incredibly helpful. So, thank you for telling us that. Stacey Richey 25:35 You're welcome. And I mean, it's totally impossible! You can't be perfect at all of it at once. I mean, I don't think that's even possible for anybody! Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 25:44 And it's helpful to hear it, Stacey! Okay, so I do want to know what is your big “why”? When you think about what keeps you coming back year after year, what gets you out of bed in the morning? What is your big “why”? Why do you keep working with this population and working within this setting? Stacey Richey 26:06 I love working with kids. They are so fun, and they honestly say some of the funniest things. Like I keep a notebook. If you're going to – if you're working in the schools, keep a notebook of all the funny things they say. Keep anything that they give you, cards, things like that. So, when you are feeling down, you've got this set of things to look at. I love working with the grad students and CFs. I love being a supervisor because they come, and you guys are so excited to be there, and it reminds me of my excitement that I had 10 years ago. And I just – if I'm starting to feel kind of rundown, it's like, “Oh, yeah, I am making a difference”, and they help me see that, and I love that. And I also love creating resources for Teachers Pay Teachers with my store, Stacey Ritchie SLP. And I love creating these resources to help make your lives easier and my life easier. I just – I've been in those schools, and I know that there's like zero time to plan, and you'll always have a mixed group that you just can't split, no matter what you try. And just trying to tailor an activity to fit everybody – like that is seriously my goal with a lot of my resources, is I want to be able to pull out a binder and be able to work with just about any kid. So, that's basically what I try to do. And I love hearing stories of how something I've said, or something I've posted on Instagram, or one of my resources has really helped another SLP feel successful, because that's the big thing. We all want to be successful SLPs. We want to help kids. We love them, and we want them to feel it, but we also want to have fun, right? We don't want to get into the tedious monotony of everyday life, right? Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 27:54 Right. For our listeners, could you mention your Teachers Pay Teachers store one more time, because that sounds amazing, having activities that have lots of flexibility for lots of different types of students. Stacey Richey 28:08 Yes, so my Teachers Pay Teachers store is just my name, Stacey Richey, SLP. And it's E-Y for both Stacey and Richey. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 28:16 That's awesome. Stacey, is there anything that you wish we had talked about that we didn't think to talk about in our conversation? Stacey Richey 28:24 That’s a really good question. I guess there is one experience that I want to share that I had this week with a kid who – he's in the autistic class, and he's like a fourth or fifth grader. I've just been working on like joint attention and just making a connection with him. Because a lot of these kids are kind of in their own little world, and I just want to be a part of it. I wish I could see into his head because I really just want to know what he's thinking. And he has an AAC device, but I've only ever really heard him kind of stem on food items. I haven't really heard him use it more purposefully, like in a conversation. And this week, when we were playing with a farm and some farm animals, he picked up a cow. He looked me in the eye and said “Moo”. Like I seriously almost started crying! I was so excited that he made that golden eye contact. He looked at me. I didn't say to look at me or anything, we were just playing. And he took a moment, and just looked at me, joint attention, showed me that cow, and said “Moo”, and I just – I was excited. And it just – it's those little moments like that that I always try to make sure I write down because there are times when you feel like you're not making a difference. But I mean, that was huge. He made that connection, and I'm just really excited to work with him again, this next week. Stacey Richey 29:45 That was huge. I mean, yeah, that's – that's like a goosebumps story. [crosstalk] Stacey Richey 29:52 Really good way to explain it, a goosebumps story. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 29:54 Yes. But I think you do want to hang on to the goosebumps stories and those goosebump moments. And I love your idea of keeping a book or keeping a journal, so that on those days where maybe the goosebump moments are not occurring you can remind yourself, yeah, there's some – there's some great stuff happening. Stacey Richey 30:15 Mhm. Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 30:17 Oh, Stacey, thank you so much for spending this time with us and sharing your thoughts, and your insights, and your ideas. We appreciate it so much. Stacey Richey 30:27 Well, thank you again for having me. And always, you guys are welcome to reach out to me on Instagram, things like that. I am happy to answer your questions. And I go into a lot of detail on a lot of these things, like using books and themes and therapy. So, check it out, and I hope it’ll save you guys some time, and just your sanity! Katie Widestrom-Landgraf 30:47 Thank you, Stacey. Mattie Murrey-Tegels 30:52 So, you may have noticed that my voice was not in that conversation at all. That's because I'm doing the intros and the outros, and I'm letting Kate and the guests that we have come on manage and dive deep in those school SLP conversations. I love the conversations that they're having, and they're certainly not ones that I can manage because it's not my realm. So, I hope you entered into that realm with the two of them. I hope you come join us for many more episodes on this series. Please reach out, follow us on Instagram. Follow us on Apple – anywhere you're hearing your podcasts. Let us know that you're enjoying what we're creating for you. Let us know you're out there, because otherwise we are speaking into little green dots on our computer when the video is on, or maybe looking at each other during the Zoom. We would love to hear from you! Please like, share. Let us know what we're doing right. Let us know what we're doing wrong. Definitely find us on And remember, you’ve got this! We are your Missing Link for SLPs!

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Episode Cover

The Etiquette of Following Up on an SLP Position

Meet Bret Stuckenschnieder and Michelle Lytle, two medical speech-language pathologists who work in the acute care and rehabilitation setting. These close colleagues walk us...
